The time has come that the Chicago Police be honored and recognized for their contributions to maintaining order and for taking a stand against anarchy.
The time was the hot summer month of August '68. The Democratic National Convention was about to start and the only thing that stood between Marxist street thugs and public order was a thin blue line of dedicated, tough Chicago police officers.
For decades the collective Left has white-washed what really happened during the riots of 1968 and 1969. Chicago Police officers who participated in the riots continue to endure unending criticism - all of which is unwarranted, inaccurate and wrong.
If you were a Chicago cop who was in the Chicago riots - we want you!
The reunion is coming!
We're planning on having photos, displays, a guest speaker and plenty of food. As vendors come on line, we'll post updates on the website. Please contact me at the email below and I'll register you for the festivities.
If you're interested in attending or donating, please contact us at
Happy Memorial the flag with pride this weekend, and remember our Fallen Warriors.
Here's an update on the reunion:
If you plan on attending, please send me your full name, number of attendees, contact information and a check. Some of those who have contacted me only gave me your email address. CPD Re-pro graphics is printing tickets and posters - I'll either mail you your tickets or have them waiting for you at the door, if you choose to prepay. Please make the check payable to Michael Mattson, in the amount of $30 per person - in the memo line please write "convention reunion. cell : 773.209.4139
(All proceeds from the event will be donated to the Chicago Police Memorial Fund).
A T-shirt company is designing shirts for the occasion. (see attached). If you have any other ideas please let me know.
If you'd like to volunteer for the Food Committee, please feel free to research food vendors and let me know what you find out. I've hit a bit of a wall on that one, and the clock is ticking.
Lodge rules prohibit any bottles - all beer, wine and pop must be in cans or plastic cups. Any volunteers for the Libation Committee would be welcome as well.
I've contacted a photographer as well. Phil Cline has agreed to attend the event, as well. Still no word from John Kass or his staff.
Depending on the success of the event, we may make this Annual.
Please bring any memorabilia that you think relevant - old riot gear, call boxes, photos, log-books...etc.
To register to attend the reunion, ask any questions, or to donate (photographs, food or alcohol) for the event, please contact us at
Thanks again for your interest and participation in this reunion. Thank you especially for your service to the City and to your fellow police officers.
Mike Mattson, #3615
2009 Reunion
Chicago Riot Cops Reunion
DATE: Friday, June 26th, 2009
LOCATION: Chicago FOP Lodge
TIME: 7:00 pm.
if you would like to attend please contact mike Mattson 773-209-4139
or contact bitches in blue . Hope to see you there everyone is welcome !
COST: Price will be $30 with all proceeds to go to the Chicago Police Memorial Fund.