Anonymous said...
When are you going to create a memorial for people who got shot by police? I mean more people (black males what a coincidence)get shot by CPD each year than pigs get shot by people.
Your an idiot !
SCC stats :
Ok Scc....Here are the totals for the city in Agg Batts with ONLY handguns for the periods of 19 June-26 full week....I have 108 persons shot and 7 homicides.....That is what I counted off of my blackberry...Bring on the Olympics!!! Zone 8 was like a frigging war zone last night (25 June) there were 4 persons shot in something like 5 mins....and the calls of man w/gun or shots fired were unbelievable!!! I am telling you....108 shot in a do the math as far as how many per day , hour etc.....We live in a war zone...