Monday, January 12, 2009

Lets talk about sexual harrassment................. We all know it happens. We all know it is real. We all know it is part of the "job" everyday. There are good hardworking policewomen out there, that go out and do the job just as good if not better then the men, but they never get the promotion on merit because it is true merit............ It doesnt happen because they don't get on their knee's or dont spread their legs. There are plenty of women on this job that play the political game. They find who is important and connected and go for the goal. We all know that men think with their cocks. And when any form of pussy crosses their desk they will take it. It just depends how good you are with this and how good you are with giving a blow job, and the wife doesnt find out. There are also men that are single and of rank, that will take advantage of women, and promise them all kinds of promotions as long as you go out with them. If you dont come through with putting up, you are dumped to midnights in a slow district. That is the game here folks. That is what it is all about. Is it fair to us hardworking female coppers that do it for hte love of the job???? Hell fucking no. But it happens everyday, in every unit across not only the Chicago Police Department, but across all law enforcement agencies. Frankly we are tired of it, and we want our day in the sun. We want to be recognized for our TALENT AS GOOD HARDWORKING COPPERS. Not fucking whores to service men. We are sick of the stereotype. We are sick of the females that perpetuate this stereotype by getting on their knee's at every turn, be it at their own homes, at their MARRIED lovers home or at police week in DC.................. STOP it for the sake of those of us that do the job because we love it and are honored to serve and protect. How many female desk sgt's, Lt's and Capt's do you know of that got their because they can suck a banana through a straw??? Plenty......... It is pretty sickening. And frankly we are sick of it....... Do the fucking job. Go out there and just do it damnit............ NOT DO THEM. Do what you are paid to do. That is the most important thing. The love of this job, the commraderie it brings, and the lives you save IS the most important. Getting ahead or "A HEAD" is not the name of the game. WE all talk and know who you are. Don't think we don't because we do. Get a life and get the real meaning of this job. Get off your knees and do the job the way it is suppose to be, as a female cop, who does the same job as a man.

Bitch 2 say's

We are sick of these bosses who think because they have white shirts can talk to us anyway they want , and use their positions to get sexual favors . I had a boss who wouldn't help me out because I wouldn't sleep with him but he helped the 2 women that would in our unit .

The above pictures depicts what he looked like .....NO THANKS

History of Police Women in the United States

The first police matrons appeared in the nineteenth century and, in 1905, the first documented appointment of a woman with police powers took place (Peyser 1985). Shortly thereafter in 1910 the first woman with full police power was hired by the Los Angeles Police Department (Melchionne 1976).
The early history of women police consisted largely of social service in which women had to meet higher standards for police employment, but received lower wages, were restricted to a special unit or bureau, and were assigned primarily to clerical, juvenile, guard duty and vice work (Schulz 1989). Women police were not permitted to be promoted except within their own special women's unit nor were they permitted to take the same promotion test as men. Finally, and most damaging for opportunities to demonstrate their general value to the organization, they were not permitted to perform basic patrol duties (Price and Gavin 1982, Peyser 1985). Women could only be promoted within their own bureaus because, they were told by their police superiors, they had not had the full "police experience" of being on general street patrol. It was, of course, the same male police administration that had refused over the years to assign women to general patrol and thus had blocked police women=s access to the required experience (Price and Gavin 1982). When women finally were given the opportunity, as a result of Federal law mandating equal opportunity regardless of gender or race, to perform general police work and serve on patrol, they demonstrated their fitness for police work. Or did they?
Almost all of the past research on women police has focused on the capabilities of women to perform police work; virtually all conclude that women, indeed, do have such ability. This capacity includes physical as well as mental and emotional fitness. Studies demonstrating women's capabilities have covered the areas of patrol work (Bloch and Anderson 1974, Sherman 1975, Townsey 1982) citizen satisfaction (Sherman 1975), police chief evaluations (Seligson 1985), response to hazardous situations (Elias 1984), academy academic performance (Elias 1984), physical capability (Townsey 1982), physical training receptivity (Moldon 1985), and the handling of violent confrontations (Moldon 1985, Grennan 1987).
The research literature also reveals that in entering police work women have encountered enormous difficulties, primarily as a result of the negative attitudes of the men. Male officers anticipate women failing (Brookshire 1980); they doubt women can equal men in most job skills (Bloch and Anderson 1974); they do not see women officers as doing "real" police work (Melchionne 1976); and they perpetuate myths about women's lack of emotional fitness (Bell 1982). Race, age and education seem to influence attitudes toward women: black officers were found to be somewhat more favorable toward women than white officers (Bell 1982, Bloch and Anderson 1974); and in St. Louis younger, better educated officers exhibited less negativism (Sherman 1975). In contrast, a study in Atlanta concluded flatly that male officers did not accept women as police officers (Remmington 1981). Horne (1980) has pointed out that the biggest challenge facing women officers is the resistance displayed by male officers in their attitudes toward women in policing. Hunt (1990) concluded that women police were harassed and resisted by the male officers because they feared that women would violate departmental (actually, their own) secrets about police corruption and violence. Thus, fear of exposure by women officers was cited by Hunt as the underlying cause of the significant resistance to women.
It is important to point out that the situation found in the U.S. and reported in the literature is similar to that found in European, Eastern European, Asian and Latin American countries. At an international conference on women and policing held in Amsterdam and sponsored by the European Network of Policewomen a workshop was convened on the role of femininity on police work. Women police from over twenty countries around the world shared information on the discriminatory treatment that they suffered at the hands of their male colleagues. A recent article on Polish women police notes that "Sometimes it happens that they (women police) are scarcely tolerated" (Trzcinska 1996).
In addition to police men's negative attitudes, women face a number of other major socially structured problems that are inherent in the larger society and are played out as well in policing. These include family responsibilities (Brookshire 1980, Martin 1980), role strain and role conflict (Martin 1980, Jacobs 1983) doubts about competence and self-worth (Glaser and Saxe 1982) sexual harassment (Wong 1984) and a concomitant fear of complaining about abuse (The Council of the City of New York, Committee on Women 1986) and, lastly, equipment and facilities inadequacies--including material conditions of such items as locker rooms (Horne 1980, Washington 1974), uniforms (Brookshire 1980), and patrol car seats (Horne 1980). Black women face additional obstacles, such as conflicts engendered by being both a black woman and a police officer, a type of stress which is currently unstudied. Thus there are many hurdles--both organizational and role-related--confronting women who choose police work as their career.

??? To Police Women

The Chicago Police Department only has 21% listed as females. MOST of us are proud to serve with dignity............ We are not talking about serving a blowjob, a handjob, sex, a drink at a bar or whatever....... With some of you female coppers, why do you disgrace us with the above sentence to get a spot and a job when you are nothing but a common alley whore? I would like to know why you became a CPD officer ?

I know a police woman who's resume looks great . Prior to coming on to CPD she was a bartender at a CPD hangout . She looses a lot of weight and works in a dist. goes to two different units and is detailed to the academy whiles she is in a unit that alot of people want to get into.

So she has taken up spots the 'working" police should have and deserve . Taking spots because she is being dishonorable not only to herself as a woman, but to other hard working cops, male or female that deserve or earned that spot.

Anyone who has been on this job long enough knows why she is taken care of, she is no better than a prositute exchanging sex for spots & promotions. Im sorry We have more respect for a street hooker than her . Another female bragged about Fucking & Sucking herself to the top, she retired as a captain. We guess sex does pay. And trust me folks folks, we are not ugly, out of shape coppers. But we won't sell ourselves for a spot or a promotion. It is disgusting. If we stay as blue shirts then so be it. We know we have always been legit.

There are so many horror stories about so many woman on this job it is sickening . This job hasn't changed since woman came on and do you know why???? It is because of the women mentioned above and the other 90% just like them . Don't they know that all these guys talk shit about them,????? Ladies, get real, do you think you are respected because of your merit or because you give great head? We all hear the whispers no matter how hard you try to not hear them. And lets not forget the Sgt who pole dances and hangs out with gang bangers . She sure is a great role model, for Hustler maybe!!!

You whores on this job have done a disservice to every woman on this job because you have set a lowbrow example, and men think that every woman is like you and we are not. Have some respect for yourself and try some old fashioned police work. Stop making us working female coppers look like trash. It is hard enough going out being a female in a male's job, nevermind the added extra trash you whore's bring to the table.